In accordance to Executive Order No. 155, Artistic Academy of Hair Design respectfully submits this restart plan to The State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling. This restart plan encompasses all areas, a. – l., as outlined in Executive Order No. 155, under private trade schools. Please see our policies and procedures below which will be posted on our school’s website and provided to students and staff in advance of the anticipated date of implementation.
A) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will provide training for students regarding COVID-19 sanitization and social distancing practices and protocols as a condition of resuming inperson instruction. Training will consist of CDC information and the barbicide COVID-19 training and certification program regarding infection control for salons, spas, and barbershops;
B) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will continue to provide training for faculty and staff on the appropriate sanitation and social distancing practices and protocols, as well as institutional policies and procedures developed to limit the spread of COVID-19;
C) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will require to use of face coverings for faculty, staff, students, and visitors, except when doing so would inhibit the individual’s health;
D) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will conduct frequent cleaning and sanitation of classrooms, restrooms, high touch areas and equipment and shared surfaces which will occur often and at regular intervals throughout each day/evening;
E) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will provide and maintain adequate supplies, such as personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies;
F) Artistic Academy of Hair Design has hand sanitizing stations with 60% or more alcohol content which will be at each of the two entry points of Artistic Academy. Hand sanitizing will also be available in every classroom, and throughout the school. Hands must be washed/hand sanitizers will be utilized throughout the day;
G) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will make available the option of remote instruction for faculty and students who are unable to participate in in-person instruction;
H) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will provide health screening for faculty, staff, students, and visitors, through completing daily temperature readings and education will be provided regarding self-monitoring for symptoms. Daily temperature readings and health screenings are completed each morning as we stagger class start times to ensure social distancing.
I) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will social distance in classrooms, workstations, lavatories, clinical settings, and student seating areas throughout the training school and a plan for providing smaller class sizes will be made available using a combination of distance education and classroom education. The combination of distance learning and classroom education is designed to maximize social distancing;
J) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will stagger start, break, and end times of class periods, or alternating scheduled class days to reduce crowding at the school and classroom entryways through the mixture of distance education and classroom education. The combination of distance learning and classroom education is designed to maximize social distancing;
K) Artistic Academy of Hair Design is committed to working with local and state officials, including the local health department and local office of emergency management, to share the components of the restart plan and revise same as may be necessary;
L) Artistic Academy of Hair Design will, at a minimum, maintain a log of students, faculty, staff, and any visitors, in order to facilitate contact tracing and report any incidences of COVID-19 to the local health officials;
Artistic Academy of Hair Design plans to apply in person training in conjunction with distance education, a mixture of both, beginning Wednesday, July 22, 2020. This will allow us to comply with limited capacity and achieve the social distancing mandate.
As per Executive Order no. 155, Artistic Academy of Hair Design’s clinic, where personal care services are performed by students, will remain closed until the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs shall adopted Administrative order pursuant to P.L. 2020, C.18, establishing standards for the supervision of students providing such services;
Artistic Academy of Hair Design remains committed to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our student body, faculty, staff and the public. In addition to New Jersey residents by, among other things, reducing the rate of community spread of Covid -19.
Artistic Academy of Hair Design does not have research labs, computer labs, athletic programs, study a broad program, or residence halls.