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The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is consistently applied to all students enrolled at the school. It is printed in the catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to enrollment. The policy complies with the guidelines established by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) and the federal regulations established by the United States Department of Education.
Students are evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress as follows:
Cosmetology 450,900 clocked (actual) hours
Esthetics 300 clocked (actual) hours
Student Teacher 250 clocked (actual) hours
*Transfer Students - Midpoint of the contracted hours or the established evaluation periods, whichever comes first.
Evaluations will determine if the student has met the minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress. The frequency of evaluations ensures that students have had at least one evaluation by midpoint in the course.
Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of the hours possible based on the applicable attendance schedule to be considered maintaining satisfactory attendance progress. Evaluations are conducted at the end of each evaluation period to determine if the student has met the minimum requirements. The attendance percentage is determined by dividing the total hours accrued by the total number of hours scheduled. At the end of each evaluation period, the school will determine if the student has maintained at least 80% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the course which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will graduate within the maximum time frame allowed.
The maximum time (which does not exceed 125% of the course length) allowed for students to complete each course at satisfactory academic progress is stated below:
Cosmetology (Full time, 30 hrs/wk) - 1200 Hours
Aesthetics (Full time, 30 hrs/wk) - 600 Hours
Student Teacher (Full time, 30 hrs/wk) - 500 Hours
50 weeks
25 weeks
20.83 weeks
The institution operates all programs according to a schedule of 900 hours per academic year of instruction.
The maximum time allowed for transfer students who need less than the full course requirements or part-time students will be determined based on 80% of the scheduled contracted hours.
Students who have not completed the course within the maximum timeframe may continue as a student at the institution on a cash pay basis.
Students must maintain a 75% GPA in order to be considered making satisfactory progress. The qualitative element used to determine academic progress are written and practical examinations. The following grade scale is used to measure student’s performance:
100-95= (A) Excellent
94-85 (B) Good
84-75 (C) Satisfactory
74 – Below (F) Failing
Students are expected to receive a grade of 75% or better on all tests, mirroring the minimum passing standard set forth on the State Board Licensing Exam. Students may re-take a failed exam one time to better their score. The two grades will be averaged; the resulting score will be the standing score for the exam. Exam re-takes must occur within 48 hours of the original exam date unless there are mitigating circumstances ie: absence, doctor’s notice, jury duty, or another appropriate excusal approved by the Director. If a student is absent during the initial exam, they will be expected to take the exam immediately upon their return.
Students meeting the minimum requirements for academic and attendance at the evaluation point are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress until the next scheduled evaluation. Students will receive a hard-copy of their Satisfactory Academic Progress Determination at the time of each of the evaluations. Students deemed not maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress may have their Title IV Funding interrupted, unless the student is on warning or has prevailed upon appeal resulting in a status of probation.
Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress are placed on warning and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the warning period. The student will be advised in writing on the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements, he/she may be placed on probation and, if applicable, students may be deemed ineligible to receive Title IV funds.
Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the probationary period, if the student appeals the decision, and prevails upon appeal. Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet requirements set forth in the academic plan by the end of the next evaluation period. Students who are progressing according to their specific academic plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student will be advised in writing of the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for satisfactory academic progress or by the academic plan, he/she will be determined as NOT making satisfactory academic progress and, if applicable, students will not be deemed eligible to receive Title IV funds.
Students may re-establish satisfactory academic progress and Title IV aid, as applicable, by meeting minimum attendance and academic requirements by the end of the warning or probationary period.
​If enrollment is temporarily interrupted for a Leave of Absence, the student will return to school in the same progress status as prior to the leave of absence. Hours elapsed during a leave of absence will extend the student’s contract period and maximum time frame by the same number of days taken in the leave of absence and will not be included in the student's cumulative attendance percentage calculation. Students who withdraw prior to completion of the course and wish to re-enroll will return in the same satisfactory academic progress status as at the time of withdrawal.
​If a student is determined to not be making satisfactory academic progress, the student may appeal the determination within ten calendar days. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. The student must submit a written appeal to the school describing why they failed to meet satisfactory academic progress standards, along with supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point. Appeal documents will be reviewed, and a decision will be made and reported to the student within 30 calendar days. The appeal and decision documents will be retained in the student file. If the student prevails upon appeal, the satisfactory academic progress determination will be reversed and federal financial aid will be reinstated, if applicable.
Noncredit, remedial courses, and repetitions do not apply to this institution. Therefore, these items have no effect upon the school's satisfactory academic progress standards.
With regard to Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and earned hours for the purpose of determining when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted.
Students have the ability to meet both attendance and academic progress requirements by the midpoint of the course. Any student with any questions regarding satisfactory academic progress is invited and encouraged to request an appointment with the Director.
A complete written copy of the school’s Policies and Procedures is given to each student at the time of enrollment. The student must read and acknowledge in writing, that they understand and agree to the terms of the policies and procedures. These policies include but are not limited to tardiness, absences, conduct, and make-up work as well as terms for suspension and /or termination.
In order to manage the school in an effective, fair, professional and safe manor, professional conduct is mandatory in every circumstance. All students sign the school’s Policies and Procedures prior to enrollment and receive a copy upon enrollment for their records. Violation of any rules will result in disciplinary action, suspension, or termination. When a student has previously violated the same or similar rules, that student will be subject to immediate termination. Students that lack the proper aptitude, attitude, and professional conduct for the course of beauty culture will be so advised and their training discontinued.
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